Friday, November 14, 2008

Chewy Chocolate Cookies Interview

So we sent CCC an interview and this is what came out the other side....

Carefull, some of the questions have been answered by cookies!!

- Firstly, the name, where did it come from?

It's a secret...if you want I can reveal it but then I have to kill you...

- What type of music was your first love?

"Supermarkets music"...I spent a long time on a supermarket shelf, in the "Biscuits & Sweets" section..."supermakets music" all day long...

- What were you doing before you started making music?

In the beginning I was just flour, butter, eggs & sugar after that I became a dough waiting to be baked,

and now here i am...

- What made you get into music?

I was bored of "supermarkets music", and one day, I remember it like it was yesterday,

I said to my self: "enough is enough...I want to make something different, I want to make "supermarkets techno music"!"

that's how all started...

- Who on the dance music scene are you inspired by?

I don't know if they are into dance music, but "Oreo" and "Jaffa Cakes" are my inspiring muses...

- Where did you start on the musical ladder? Dj? Band? Promoter?

I started in a supermarket, during the night, when it was closed...

me, and my friends Oreo and Jaffa Cakes, started to think about it...we started with sweet JAM sessions...

you know, it's like when you are in school and you and your classmates, start thinking about putting a band together ...

"I can do this, you can do that..."

- What has been the hardest thing about getting yourself noticed as an artist?

Nowadays there are a lot of cookies around..small, big, crunchy, soft...

and it has been really difficult to find my space on the shelf...but, you know,

if you are good, people start to talk about you and then the sky is the limit...

- What's the best thing you've heard from someone at the end of one of your gigs?

"...hey cookie, you have melted my face!!!"

- Have you ever had underwear thrown at you while playing a gig?

I usually throw mine...but I hope to get some in Dublin!

- What has been the best place in the world you have played so far?

Let's say a couple...

few years ago, I was in miami for the WMC and I ended up

on the roof of a 5stars hotel with armand van helden playing cheese 80's music...

and then, more recently, Seoul... everything (the party, the club,

the promoters..) was great but the bugs...they eat them..can you believe it?!

- What is the best club at home to gig?

Sainsbury's ....there is something about that place, something magic, a great atmosphere...

I think it's Jamie Oliver that make it special...

- If your last gig was tomorrow and you could play anywhere, where would you want to play?

Kazantip, the rave republic!...3 months non-stop party!!!

- What is your favourite home-cooked food?

My mum's pasta al forno or pizza...gnam gnam!!!!

(this is actually me answering, not the cookies...)

- Are you a Mac or a PC?

Both, mac is cool, pc is cheaper...

Do you use much hardware to make your music or mostly software?

Just software...ideas are important, not machines...

- What's your favourite part of the music making process?

I don't have a favourite part...I like the early stage, finding the right sample or a good synth...

and I like the end, when you test the track in a club...everything is great about making music...

- How do you choose what songs you remix? Do people ask you to remix their songs or

do you offer?

Most of CCC remixes were born as a dj tool for CCC set, then people started asking me for rmxs and that's how it started...

but I usually love to make rmxs of artists I like, and then post them for free dwnld on my website...

it's my "hommage" to artists I love and respect...

- Do you have an album or another E.P. in the makings?

New CCC Ep coming soon...SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD !!!

if you are lucky enough to see CCC live, you can have a listen to new stuff...sweeet!

- What can we expect from Chewy Chocolate Cookies in '09?

A lot!! new ep, album maybe, australia, asia and US tour...fingers crossed!!

- Finally.....Can you actually bake nice cookies? If so, can you bring some to Dublin?

Of course...milk chocolate or dark chocolate?

Thanks, can't wait to melt some faces in Dublin!..

please, please, please, bring your airhorns and don't forget to wear nice and comfy'll jump A LOT!!!

So thats that!

Do with that what you will but he has garunteed to melt some faces so I would say this is one not to miss!!

Chewy Chocolate Cookies plays Chemistry alongside DatA on the 19th November.

Admission is €10/€12 after midnight.

Drinks Promos on the night.

Doors at 10pm.

Woo Woo Woo!!

Honk if you like meleted faces!!

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